Asst. Prof. Dr. Viyada Kunathigan

Research Interest:

Yeast biology, wine fermentation, waste treatment using microbial consortium/bioextract/bio-fermented solution, vermiculture


  • Ph.D. (Microbiology) with designated emphasis in Biotechnology, University of California, Davis, USA
  • M.Sc. (Microbiology), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • B.S. (Biology), Chiangmai University, Thailand

Current research projects

  • Study roles of yeasts isolated from aged fruit wine to the quality of aging fruit wine
  • Application of microbial consortium/bioextract/bio-fermented solution for domestic wastewater improvement.


  • Gupta, S., Kunathigan, V., Watcharin, W. “Formulation, Bioactivity and Stability of Grapefruit oil-loaded Carrageenan Nanoemulsion.” Proceedings of the Universal Academic Cluster International Conference in Bangkok 2020. pp 1-13.
  • Shrestha, R., Panprivech, S., Kitsawad, K. & Kunathigan, V. (2021). Investigation and Comparison of Physicochemical Characteristics of Non-aged and 4-Month Aged Mulberry Wine Prepared from Three Different Wine Making Techniques. Proceeding of the The 6th Food Ingredient Asia Conference FiAC 2020 on “Food Science, Nutrition and Health” Webinar, 14-16 October, 2020, Indonesia. (In press)
  • Sereephantwong, K., Panprivech, S., & Kunathigan, V. (2020). Effect of Saccharomyces sp. No.9 on Physicochemical Characteristics of Aged Roselle Wine and Its Consumer Preference. Proceeding of the The 22nd Food Innovation Asia Conference 2020 (FIAC 2020) Innovation for future food and nutrition security 18-19 June 2020, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 332-340.
  • Shrestha, T. D., Kunathigan, V., Kitsawad, K. & Panprivech, S. (2020). Impact of fermentation conditions on the extraction of phenolics and sensory characteristics of mangosteen wine. Applied Science and Engineering Progress, DOI: 10.14416/j.asep.2020.05.001
  • Shrestha, T., Kunthigan, V., & Panprivech, S. (2018). Impact of fermentation conditions on the extraction of phenolics and some chemical properties of wine from mangosteen pericarp. Proceeding of the The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Global Agriculture and Food (ICSAF) “Food Innovation For ASIAN Community Development” 9-10th November 2018, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp. 358-366.
  • Sereephantwong, K., Panprivech, S., & Kunathigan, V. (2018). The Effect of Saccharomyces sp. No.9 on Physicochemical Characteristic of Aged Roselle Wine. Proceeding of the The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Global Agriculture and Food (ICSAF) “Food Innovation For ASIAN Community Development” 9-10th November 2018, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp. 321-334.
  • Viyada Kunathigan and Suchawadee Wiratthikowit. 2016. The application of “Bioextract” or “Bio-fermented solution” for treatment of domestic wastewater. In the proceeding for 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Global Agriculture and Food (ICSAF) “Safeguarding Global Consumers: Innovation in Food Science and Technology” Semarang, 9-10th August 2016, pp. 52-61. (published : December 2017)
  • พัชนีย์ ยะสุรินทร์, ทวีศักดิ์ จอร์จเจริญ, วิยดา กุนทีกาญจน์, ชาตรี จำปาเงิน และ นัฐธวัช จำปาเงิน. 2560 การพัฒนาน้ำยาทำความสะอาดอเนกประสงค์จากสารสกัดสะเดาและสมุนไพร ใน Proceeding งานประชุมมหกรรมงานวิจัยแห่งชาติ กรุงเทพ (23-27 สิงหาคม 2560), pp. 633-639
  • Le, Y., Vachajitpan, P. and Kunathigan, V. 2014. Detection of Orcinol-O-methyl transferase enzyme encoding gene in East Asian rose Rosa multiflora. In proceeding for International Conference on Sustainable Global Agriculture and Food Security 2014. July 16-18, 2014; Bangkok, Thailand. Pp 82-87
  • Chiu, P., Wiratthikowit, S. and Kunathigan, V. 2013. The Treatment of Community Wastewater using Local-Bio-Extract at Laboratory Scale: Case studies in Waste Water from Food Industries and Shopping Malls. Poster session presented at: International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development in ASEAN Universities. Aug 8-10, 2013; Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  • Nitsuwat, S., Sanjaya, S.E., Wiratthikowit, S. and Kunathigan, V. 2013. The study of the biodiversity in local bio-fermented solution and the treatment of community wastewater at laboratory scale: wastewater from restaurants. In proceeding for TSB 2013 Conference Proceedings: Agro-Industrial Biotechnology for Global Sustainable Prosperity. October 16-19, 2013. Bangkok. Pp.632-638.

Presentations (Oral / Poster)

  • Faradian, F. and Kunathigan, V. 2014. Screening and Primary Identification of Lipid Degradation Microorganism from Local Bioextracts. Poster session presented at: International Conference on Sustainable Global Agriculture and Food Security 2014. July 16-18, 2014; Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Kunathigan, V. 2013. The study of yeasts in aged fruit wine and their potential for improving the quality of fruit wine. Oral session presented at: In proceeding for TSB 2013 Conference Proceedings: Agro-Industrial Biotechnology for Global Sustainable Prosperity. October 16-19, 2013. Bangkok.